Psychological Changes in the First Stage of Labor

Subhajit Chanda

Psychological changes in the first stage of labor:

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The first stage of labor is the longest phase. This phase can take 9 hours for primigravida mothers and 5 hours for multigravida mothers.

A thumbnail of the Psychological Changes in the First Stage of Labor

The Changes are listed below:-

1) Cervical Dilation:

The cervix begins to open or dilate to allow the baby's passage through the canal. This is achieved through uterine contraction.

2) Uterine Contractions:

The muscles of the uterus contract and tighten that causing the cervix to dilate. This contraction became more intense as labor progresses.

3) Rupture of the amniotic sac:

In the first stage of labor, the amniotic sac surrounding the breaks which leads to the release of amniotic fluid. This event is referred to as "water breaking".

4) Effacement:

The cervix gradually thins out and becomes softer. It is measured in percentages.

      100% Effacement = A Completely Thin Cervix

5) Increase pelvic pressure:

As labor progresses, pelvic pressure gets increases. A mother may feel pressure in the pelvic region.

6) Backache and cramping:

A mother will experience backaches and cramps during all the stages of pregnancy.

7) Increase vaginal discharge:

An increase in vaginal discharge may happen in the first stage. Marcus and blood often come out through the vagina.

8) Changes in vital signs:

Blood pressure, heart rate and respiration rate increase due to maternal stress.

9) Hormonal Changes:

During the first stage, a huge amount of hormonal changes, especially estrogen and progesterone level changes happen in the mother's blood.

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