GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Community Health Nursing 1 Short Question and Answer for GNM 1st Year

Subhajit Chanda

Community Health Nursing 1 Previous Year Short Question with Answer

GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Community Health Nursing 1 Short Question and Answer for GNM 1st Year

Fill in the blanks:

1. Every year World Health Day is celebrated on
➡ April 7th

2. Hospital acquired infection is
➡ Nosocomial infection

3. The first referral unit is
➡ Community Health Centre (CHC)

4. Under five clinic is also known as
➡ Well Baby Clinic

5. The natural source of Vitamin D is
➡ Sunlight

6. Dengue fever is caused by the bite of
➡ Aedes aegypti mosquito

7. Goitre is caused by the deficiency of
➡ Iodine

8. Radio talk is an example of
➡ One-way communication

9. Deficiency of _________ in diet leads to Goitre
➡ Iodine

10. Disposal of waste by burning is called as
➡ Incineration

11. Exchange of air between indoor and outdoor is called as
➡ Ventilation

12. _________ are the building blocks of proteins
➡ Amino acids

13. The principal source of vitamin is
➡ Food

14. _________ micro-organism causes Tuberculosis
➡ Mycobacterium tuberculosis

15. Deficiency of Iron causes
➡ Anemia

16. Rickets is the deficiency disease of
➡ Vitamin D

17. The essential tool of communication is
➡ Language

18. Deficiency of Iron leads to
➡ Anemia

19. The water testing apparatus is
➡ Horrock's apparatus

20. Deafness is caused by
➡ Noise pollution

21. Typhoid is a ________ born disease
➡ Water

22. Goitre is caused by deficiency of
➡ Iodine

23. The ideal number of members for group discussion is
➡ 6 to 12

24. “No Tobacco day” is celebrated on
➡ May 31st

25. A sub-centre covers a population of
➡ 5,000 in plain areas and 3,000 in hilly areas

26. “I pill” is an example of
➡ Emergency contraceptive

27. Universal symbol of nursing is
➡ Lamp

28. World population day is celebrated on
➡ July 11th

29. Dosage of BCG vaccine is
➡ 0.1 ml

30. First referral unit for primary health centre is
➡ Community Health Centre (CHC)

31. Most heat sensitive vaccine is
➡ Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)

32. Niacin deficiency results
➡ Pellagra

33. Sullage means waste water which does not contain
➡ Human excreta

34. Loudness of noise is measured in
➡ Decibels

35. The low-cost visual form of communication is
➡ Poster

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1. Oxidation pond is a method used for
i. Solid waste disposal
ii. Sewage treatment
iii. Water purification
iv. Dumping
Correct Answer: ii. Sewage treatment

2. Chalk and talk is an example of
i. Lecture method
ii. Symposium
iii. Panel discussion
iv. Seminar
Correct Answer: i. Lecture method

3. Cheap and best chemical disinfectant used in water purification is
i. Bleaching powder
ii. Sodium chloride
iii. Sodium hypochlorite
iv. Sodium bicarbonate
Correct Answer: i. Bleaching powder

4. Best method for spacing is
i. Condom
ii. Pessary
iii. IUCD
iv. Tubectomy
Correct Answer: iii. IUCD

5. World Health Day is celebrated every year on
i. April 7th
ii. June 10th
iii. July 7th
iv. November 14th
Correct Answer: i. April 7th

6. Which of the following is not a minor ailment
i. Injuries
ii. Chest pain in a heart patient
iii. Diarrhea
iv. Heat stroke and fainting
Correct Answer: ii. Chest pain in a heart patient

7. Which of the following is the method used in physical examination
i. Palpation
ii. Auscultation
iii. Percussion
iv. All of the above
Correct Answer: iv. All of the above

8. Facial expression is a __________ type of communication
i. Verbal
ii. Non-verbal
iii. Written
iv. Auditory
Correct Answer: ii. Non-verbal

9. Wells are best disinfected by
i. Chlorine tablets
ii. Bleaching powder
iii. Potassium permanganate
iv. Alum
Correct Answer: ii. Bleaching powder

10. The requirement of water per day per person is
i. 2 liters
ii. 3 liters
iii. 5 liters
iv. 10 liters
Correct Answer: iii. 5 liters

11. Loudness of noise is measured in
i. Lumens
ii. Decibels
iii. Watts
iv. Joules
Correct Answer: ii. Decibels

12. Dengue fever is caused by the bite of
i. Culex mosquito
ii. Anopheles mosquito
iii. Aedes aegypti mosquito
Correct Answer: iii. Aedes aegypti mosquito

13. Deficiency of iron in the food causes
i. Blindness
ii. Anemia
iii. Diarrhea
Correct Answer: ii. Anemia

14. Scabies can be prevented by
i. Isolation and anti-scabies treatment
ii. Personal hygiene
iii. Both i and ii
Correct Answer: iii. Both i and ii

15. The main source of surface water
i. Deep well
ii. River
iii. Spring
Correct Answer: ii. River

16. The dependency disease of Vitamin A is
i. Night blindness
ii. Gum bleeding
iii. Sterility
Correct Answer: i. Night blindness

17. Radio talk is an example of
i. One-way communication
ii. Two-way communication
iii. Non-verbal communication
Correct Answer: i. One-way communication

18. Cholera is transmitted through the arthropod
i. Housefly
ii. Cockroach
iii. Ticks
Correct Answer: i. Housefly

19. The Horrocks apparatus is designed to find the
i. Bleaching powder needed to disinfect water
ii. Water content
iii. Wind direction
Correct Answer: i. Bleaching powder needed to disinfect water

20. The generic name for Tocopherol is
i. Vitamin E
ii. Vitamin B
iii. Vitamin K
Correct Answer: i. Vitamin E

21. This is not an element of RCH program
i. Antenatal care
ii. Geriatric care
iii. Prevention of STDs
Correct Answer: ii. Geriatric care

22. The reference from a community health center should be to
i. Rural hospital
ii. District hospital
iii. Specialty hospital
Correct Answer: ii. District hospital

23. The permanent family planning method for males is
i. Vasectomy
ii. Lippes loop
iii. Tubectomy
Correct Answer: i. Vasectomy

24. World Health Day is celebrated every year on
i. February 18th
ii. May 12th
iii. April 7th
Correct Answer: iii. April 7th

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