Write A Short Note on Five Year Plans of India

Subhajit Chanda

Five Year Plan

(toc) #title=(Table of Content)

A thumbnail about Five Year Plans of India

First Five Year Plan (1951-1956):


  1. Provision of water supply and sanitation
  2. Control of Malaria
  3. Preventive Health Care
  4. Health services of mother and children
  5. Education and training about health
  6. Self sufficiency in Health drugs and equipments.
  7. Family planning population control

Second Five Year Plan (1956-1961):


  1. Establishment of institutional facilities
  2. Development of manpower
  3. Disease centrale of communicable disease
  4. Environmental Hygiene
  5. Family planning services.

Third Five Year Plan (1961-1966):


  1. Integration of public health with maternal & child welfare.
  2. Nutritional & Health Education
  3. Preventive Health Services
  4. Control of communicable disease.

Forth Five Year Plan (1969-1978):


  1. Health services in rural area
  2. Strengthening of sub divisional and district hospitals
  3. Expansion of Medical, Paramedical and Nursing education

Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-1978):


  1. Health Services in rural areas
  2. Development of referral services
  3. Integration of health, family planning and nutrition
  4. Control & eradication of communicable disease
  5. Education of and training of heath persons

Sixth Five Year Plans (1980-1985):


  1. Reduction of poverty and unemployment
  2. Controle of population by small family norms
  3. Improve the quality of life of the people

Seventh Five Year Plan (1985-1990):


  1. Elimination of poverty and Illiteracy
  2. Satisfaction of basic needs
  3. Universal Immunization & Family welfare programme
  4. Basic Sanitation and Water supply

Eight Five Year Plan (1992-1997):


  1. Employment Generation
  2. Population Control, Literacy and Health Education
  3. Provision of safe water & adequate food

Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002):


  1. Develop disease, surveillance and response mechanism
  2. Non communicable disease control programme
  3. Management system for emergencies, like- disaster and accidents
  4. Screening for common nutritional deficiencies
  5. Reduction in population growth
  6. Implementation of RCH(Reproductive and Child Health) & MCH(Maternal and Child Health) Programmes center

Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007):


  1. Reduction of poverty ratio( At least 5% of poverty has to be reduced before 2007 and at least 15% of poverty has to be reduced before 2012)
  2. All children should complete 5 Year of schooling by the year of 2007
  3. Reduction of population growth
  4. Increasing literacy rate
  5. Reduction infant mortality rate (IMP)
  6. Reduction of maternal mortality rate (MMR)
  7. All villages have safe drinking water

Eleven Five Year Plan (2007-2012):


  1. Creation of about 5 lakh additional employment opportunities
  2. Power generation capacities by 505 MW in the state sector.
  3. Electrify all habitations
  4. Connect all left over habitation with more than 500 inhabitants by road
  5. Provide basic amenities, connectivity of power, water supply, Primary Health Education to all the villagers
  6. Maximize Employment Generation

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017):


  1. Better performance in agriculture
  2. Faster creations of jobs in manufacturing
  3. Wider industrial growth
  4. The creation of appropriate infrastructural facilities to enhance agricultural & and manufacturer growth
  5. Stronger efforts at Health Education & Skill Development
  6. Special Challenges focused on vulnerable groups and backward sections


With the Planning Commission dissolved, no more formal plans are made for the economy, but Five-Year Defence Plans continue to be made. However, there is no Thirteenth Five-Year Plan.

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  1. A good and sweet note that help me to make a note on community.

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