GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Community Health Nursing - II Short Question and Answer for GNM 3rd Year

Subhajit Chanda

Community Health Nursing - II Previous Year Short Question With Answer

Community Health Nursing - II Previous Year Short Question With Answer of GNM 3rd Year

Fill in the blanks:

1. The number of females per 1000 males is called

Sex Ratio

2. An outbreak of disease in a community in excess of normal expectation


3. Anti-malaria month campaign is observed every year in


4. The Indian Red Cross Society was established in the year


5. Under the ICDS scheme, an Anganwadi worker covers a population of


6. BCG vaccination is administered to protect against


7. The administrative head of the district is a

District Collector

8. Scientific study of human population is


9. One tribal sub centre covers a population of


10. Mid-day meal programme was established in the year of


11. United nations international children's emergency fund (UNICEF) headquarters is


12. Oral pills contains small amount of:

➡Estrogens and progestrones

13. The registration of deaths are done within:

➡ 21 Days

14. MTP act came into force in:

➡ 1971

15. BCG vaccine is given through __________site.

➡ Intradermal

16. ___________is commonly used for taking weight of children under 1 year of age.

➡ Salter spring hanging scale

17. World AIDS Day is celebrated on__________

➡ 1st December

18. The theme of world health day in 2017 was


19. A female health worker is expected to cover a population of


20. National TB control programme was launched in the year


Read More:  Midwifery and Gynaecology Nursing Previous Year Short Question With Answer

21. ___________is celebrated on May 12th.

International Nurses Day

22. The World Aids Day is celebrated on


23. PHC in hilly and tribal area covers the population of


24. Dengue fever is caused by the bite of


25. Montaux test is to diagnoses


26. The Indian Red Cross Society was established in the year


27. Under the ICDS scheme, an Anganwadi worker covers a population of


28. BCG vaccination is administered to protect against


29. The administrative head of the district is a

District Collector

30. World tuberculosis day is on


31. National health policy was launched in the year


32. Nursing process is also known as

Systematic Scientific approach.

33.  __________is the scientific study of human population.


34. Time required measuring the Mantoux test

48-72 hours

35. According to ICDS scheme there is an Anganwadi worker for a population of


36. Community health is also called

Public health.

37. Group on medical education and support man power knows as

Shrivastav Committee

38. Planning prosperity together is the motto of

Preventive, curative and promotive care.

39. The fetal point for delivery of ICDS is on


40. A block contains about

100 villages.

42. Farmer's lung is due to the inhalation of

Mouldy Hay or Grain Dust.

43. The 12th five year plan covers the period from


44. The indicator of the prevalence of contraceptive practice in the community is

Women empowerment.

45. The term Siddha implies

Knowledge of life.

46. Anti-leprosy day is celebrated on


47. In India the last census was done in the year


48. Number of deaths under 1 year of age per 1000 live birth in a year is termed as

Infant mortality rate.

49. The kingpin for health care delivery at the subcenter level is

Panchayat Raj.

50. The number of live births divided by the mid-year population and multiplied by 1000 is known as

Early Neonatal Rate.

51. National AIDS Control Program was launched in the year


52. The pioneer of immunization is

Edward Jenner.

53. The most important recommendations of placing health in people's hands was by the 

Srivastava Committee

54. The financial and technical assistance for development of poor countries is provided by


55. Three-tier structure of local self government in India is known as

Panchayat Raj

56. The administrative head of a district is

District Collector

57. The cold chain system, all vaccines can be stored for few months at


58. Objective of Tuberculosis Control Program is to achieve 85% cure rate through


59. The first step in controlling a communicable disease is


60. In India, the last census was done in the year


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