GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Fundamentals Of Nursing Short Question and Answer for GNM 1st Year

Subhajit Chanda

Fundamentals Of Nursing Previous Year Short Question with Answer

GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Fundamentals Of Nursing Short Question and Answer for GNM 1st Year

Fill in the blanks:

1. Lack of oxygen in the tissue is
➡ Hypoxia

2. Inflammation of the oral mucus membrane
➡ Stomatitis

3. Gas in the gastrointestinal tract is
➡ Flatulence

4. Agents that inhibit the growth of microorganisms are
➡ Antiseptics

5. Instrument that is used to measure blood pressure is
➡ Sphygmomanometer

6. Air cushion is used to prevent
➡ Bedsores

7. Bleeding from the nose is termed as
➡ Epistaxis

8. Loss of appetite is termed as
➡ Anorexia

9. Introduction of medicine or fluids into the vein is called
➡ Intravenous

10. Examination by tapping the fingers on the body is termed as
➡ Percussion

11. Increased respiratory rate over 24 breaths per minute is
➡ Tachypnea

12. Loss of appetite is otherwise known as
➡ Anorexia

13. Lack of oxygen in the blood is called as
➡ Hypoxemia

14. Bluish discoloration of the skin is known as
➡ Cyanosis

15. The rules or principles that govern the right conduct in Nursing are called
➡ Nursing Ethics

16. Difficulty in swallowing is
➡ Dysphagia

17. Pulse rate less than 60 beats per minute is called
➡ Bradycardia

18. Examination with the help of a stethoscope is called
➡ Auscultation

19. The normal blood pressure is
➡ 120/80 mmHg

20. Inflammation of the tongue is called
➡ Glossitis

21. The primary source of data is
➡ Patient

22. The pioneer of modern nursing is
➡ Florence Nightingale

23. Lack of roughage in the diet leads to
➡ Constipation

24. Bleeding from the nose is known as
➡ Epistaxis

25. Inflammation of the oral mucous membrane is called
➡ Stomatitis

26. Total nursing care of a client is known as
➡ Holistic Care

27. Visual examination of the body is called as
➡ Inspection

28. The condition of abnormally high blood pressure is called
➡ Hypertension

29. The inner part of the syringe is called
➡ Plunger

30. Lack of oxygen in the tissues is called
➡ Hypoxia

31. The mechanical device used to relieve cardiac asthma is
➡ Oxygen Tent

32. Data can be classified as
➡ Subjective and Objective

33. When the body temperature is raised to 105°F, it is called
➡ Hyperpyrexia

34. Sterilization by steam under pressure is known as
➡ Autoclaving

35. The resistance to certain diseases is artificially attained by
➡ Immunization

36. The oral cavity is also called as
➡ Buccal Cavity

37. The total cessation of breathing is called
➡ Apnea

38. The inner part of the syringe is called
➡ Plunger

39. Blood pressure below normal is termed as
➡ Hypotension

40. Bleeding from the gums is called
➡ Gingivitis

41. The presence of glucose in urine is called
➡ Glycosuria

42. Elimination of waste products from the body is called
➡ Excretion

43. Inability to sleep is called
➡ Insomnia

44. The resistance to certain diseases is artificially attained by
➡ Immunization

45. Difficulty in breathing means
➡ Dyspnea

46. Stiffness of the body after death is
➡ Rigor Mortis

47. A process by which one conveys thoughts, feelings, and ideas to another is
➡ Communication

48. The amount of moisture in the air is
➡ Humidity

49. Cracking or ulceration of lips and angles of the mouth is
➡ Cheilitis

50. The thermoregulatory center situated in the brain is
➡ Hypothalamus

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51. Phonation is another function of
➡ Larynx

52. Sterilization by steam under pressure is known as
➡ Autoclaving

53. Difficulty in swallowing is called as
➡ Dysphagia

54. Specific gravity of urine is measured by means of
➡ Urinometer

55. Lack of oxygen in the tissues is called
➡ Hypoxia

56. Loss of appetite means
➡ Anorexia

57. Florence Nightingale was born on
➡ May 12, 1820

58. Constipation can be avoided by
➡ High Fiber Diet

59. Cheilosis can occur due to
➡ Vitamin B2 Deficiency

60. Haemoptysis means
➡ Coughing up blood

61. Fever is not a disease, but it is a
➡ Symptom

62. Glossitis means
➡ Inflammation of the tongue

63. Etiquette is the code of
➡ Conduct

64. To assess an unconscious patient, _________ scale is used
➡ Glasgow Coma Scale

65. Trendelenburg position is used for examination of
➡ Pelvic Organs

66. Blue litmus turns red if urine is
➡ Acidic

Choose the Correct Answer from the following:

1. The objects which are capable of transmitting diseases:
i. Sepsis
ii. Fomite
iii. Asepsis
iv. Pathogen
➡ Correct Answer: ii. Fomite

2. The mechanical device used to prevent foot drop is:
i. Bed block
ii. Foot rest
iii. Knee rest
iv. Back rest
➡ Correct Answer: ii. Foot rest

3. Pus in the urine is:
i. Anuria
ii. Oliguria
iii. Pyuria
iv. Dysuria
➡ Correct Answer: iii. Pyuria

4. The abnormal condition of the vertebral column characterized by an increased curvature of the lumbar spine:
i. Khyposis
ii. Lordosis
iii. Scoliosis
iv. Osteoporosis
➡ Correct Answer: ii. Lordosis

5. A drug that relieves fever:
i. Antipyretic
ii. Antitussive
iii. Analgesic
iv. Antiemetic
➡ Correct Answer: i. Antipyretic

6. Cleansing of the body cavity is called:
i. Instillation
ii. Inhalation
iii. Irrigation
iv. Ingestion
➡ Correct Answer: iii. Irrigation

7. Florence Nightingale was born on:
i. May 12th
ii. May 1st
iii. March 12th
➡ Correct Answer: i. May 12th

8. Hospital-acquired infection is known as:
i. Droplet infection
ii. Nosocomial infection
iii. Opportunistic infection
➡ Correct Answer: ii. Nosocomial infection

9. The mechanical device used to prevent foot drop is:
i. Bed block
ii. Foot rest
iii. Back rest
➡ Correct Answer: ii. Foot rest

10. Difficulty in breathing is called:
i. Apnoea
ii. Orthopnoea
iii. Dyspnoea
iv. Tachypnoea
➡ Correct Answer: iii. Dyspnoea

11. Presence of sugar in the urine is called:
i. Dysuria
ii. Anuria
iii. Glycosuria
iv. Oliguria
➡ Correct Answer: iii. Glycosuria

12. Rabies is caused by:
i. Rat bite
ii. Snake bite
iii. Insect bite
iv. Dog bite
➡ Correct Answer: iv. Dog bite

13. Benedict’s solution is used in the test of:
i. Urine for albumin
ii. Urine for sugar
iii. Urine for ketone bodies
iv. Urine for reaction
➡ Correct Answer: ii. Urine for sugar

14. Dyspneic patient can have the best position as:
i. Prone position
ii. Left lateral
iii. Supine position
iv. Fowler’s position
➡ Correct Answer: iv. Fowler’s position

15. Anoxia means:
i. Absence of O2 in tissues
ii. Presence of oxygen in tissues
iii. Lack of O2 in tissues
iv. Oxygen in blood
➡ Correct Answer: iii. Lack of O2 in tissues

16. The respiration regulating center is:
i. Cerebellum
ii. Hypothalamus
iii. Medulla oblongata
➡ Correct Answer: iii. Medulla oblongata

17. The instrument used to examine the eyes is:
i. Otoscope
ii. Ophthalmoscope
iii. Cystoscope
➡ Correct Answer: ii. Ophthalmoscope

18. Presence of sugar in the urine is:
i. Glycosuria
ii. Oliguria
iii. Albuminuria
➡ Correct Answer: i. Glycosuria

19. Heat causes:
i. Vasodilation
ii. Vasoconstriction
iii. Skin rashes
➡ Correct Answer: i. Vasodilation

20. The most suitable position for giving an enema is:
i. Left lateral
ii. Right lateral
iii. Upright position
➡ Correct Answer: i. Left lateral

21. Lack of oxygen in the bloodstream is:
i. Anoxemia
ii. Anoxia
iii. Anorexia
➡ Correct Answer: i. Anoxemia

22. The normal pulse rate of an adult is:
i. 72 bts/mt
ii. 120 bts/mt
iii. 140 bts/mt
➡ Correct Answer: i. 72 bts/mt

23. Constipation can be prevented by:
i. High fat diet
ii. High fiber diet
iii. High protein diet
➡ Correct Answer: ii. High fiber diet

24. Difference between axillary and rectal temperature is:
i. 4°C
ii. 2°C
iii. 6°C
➡ Correct Answer: ii. 2°C

25. Application of the drug to the skin is:
i. Inhalation
ii. Insertion
iii. Inunction
➡ Correct Answer: iii. Inunction

26. Hey’s test is for the presence of:
i. Albumin
ii. Acetone
iii. Bile Salts
➡ Correct Answer: iii. Bile Salts

27. Inspection of a body part is also called as:
i. Percussion
ii. Palpation
iii. Observation
➡ Correct Answer: iii. Observation

28. To relieve gaseous distention:
i. Sedative enema
ii. Carminative enema
iii. Nutritive enema
➡ Correct Answer: ii. Carminative enema

29. To correct the toxic factor, rubber tubing is boiled in:
i. 10% sodium bicarbonate
ii. 10% KMNO4 solution
iii. 10% citric acid
➡ Correct Answer: i. 10% sodium bicarbonate

30. The specific gravity of urine varies from:
i. 1.010 to 1.020
ii. 1.015 to 1.0125
iii. 1.016 to 1.025
➡ Correct Answer: iii. 1.016 to 1.025

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